One of our particular strengths is to execute advocacy-related services for our clients. If you have a concrete project that falls into our area of expertise, we are ready to support you.
Our consulting projects vary from monitoring a particular policy development and editing policy positions to helping build public affairs teams and leading advocacy campaigns.
- Monitoring
- Strategic advice
- Organisational development
- Advocacy
- Particular focus on transport, ICT, the legal market and other highly-regulated and network industries
- Expertise especially in the EU, Germany, Austria and the US

One of our particular strengths is to execute advocacy-related services for our clients. If you have a concrete project that falls into our area of expertise, we may be able to help.
Our consulting projects vary from monitoring a particular policy development and editing policy positions to helping build public affairs teams and leading advocacy campaigns.
Public Affairs consulting covers diverse aspects. Here are a few examples of how we work.
From Zero to influence: Non-profit rallying for women in science
A newly established NGO in Brussels was seeking greater visibility for women in science at a European level. They were especially interested in more supportive EU legislation to help female scientists advance to top academic positions.
- Analyse political interests and climate
- Map relevant policymakers and other stakeholders
- Monitor on-going policy proposals
- Develop and rollout communications campaign
- Two new EU policy proposals addressed the need for more women in science just one year after starting the campaign.
- NGO gained sufficient visibility with invitations to speak at and attend relevant events, workshops and seminars.
- NGO developed solid relationships with policymakers to use as the basis for future advocacy.
Moving a mountain
A committee at the European Parliament voted against the interests of an important industry. An association representing this industry wanted to turn around the decision in the European Parliament’s plenary, which is very difficult to achieve. We were responsible for advocacy in just one Member State as part of a broader effort.
- Create an advocacy strategy to reach MEPs and other decision-makers
- Rollout strategy with events, meetings, and communication activities
- MEPs in decisive Member States voted in favour of the industry because we effectively made the case that it was in their constituencies interest.
High stakes advocacy
New EU regulation was going to cost a medium-sized technology company up to 10% of their revenue. The company wanted to inform policymakers that the regulation was bad for business.
- Develop a clear message that would demonstrate the severe impact of the planned proposal, and a constructive proposal to amend the legislation.
- Map stakeholders and regulatory climate.
- Rollout the advocacy campaign during a three-month period.
- The European Commission accepted to include the most crucial element of the company’s proposal.